

Food Photography – Sunday Lunch with an iPhone


Sunday Lunch


Normally Sunday lunch will be at a restaurant but this particular weekend past, my wife chose to stay home to whip this up. Not wanting to let this opportunity pass on capturing one of her great meals, I thought to give the iPhone at try to see whether it was able to capture the details of the food she prepared. Clearly it managed to do so and as a collage, this will help us remember a great meal together as a family.

Food Photography – Handmade bread

Handmade Bread

Handmade Bread

Photo Notes: Using a full frame digital camera EOS 5D Mark 3 with EF70-200 lens at f5.6  – using natural light coming in from large window and a white reflector to fill in the shadows.

Food Photography – Montage of haute cuisine

Montage of haute cuisine

Montage of haute cuisine

Food Photography – Tandoori Burger

Tandoori Burger

Tandoori Burger


My son Harrison as part of his school project had to practice cooking three dishes for his assessment and with the supervision of my wife, he not only cooked the tandoori chicken, he also baked the bread for the burger and the dressing to go with the chicken.


Photo Note: Taken with the EOS 7D and EF 35 f1.4 L with single speedlight 580EX2. The dish was photographed as it was served without any adjustment or styling for the photography.  Burger was eaten within minutes of image taken!

Food Photography – Garlic Sauteed Mushrooms

Sauteed Mushrooms

Sautéed Mushrooms

Singapore has grown in international stature as a food haven. Many unique restaurants are courageously springing up all over the island and not long ago, about 20 friends met at the Xi Yan Restaurant. All of the dishes served that evening was outstanding but this dish deserved special mention. Food photography is the art of capturing the sensation of taste through the eyes. I wonder if you can taste the texture?